諸行無常。一切皆苦。諸法無我。寂滅為樂。 (佛為海龍王說法印經) |
Name: 曾
立鈞 (
Email: lichun@mail.bestredeye.org
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0251-565X
Passed |
Subject |
University |
of passing |
D. |
copepod and zooplankton around Taiwan |
Biology/ National
Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung |
2008 |
D. |
Gorgonian under
sedimentation environment |
Biology/ National
Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung |
1998 |
D. |
Biology |
University, Taipei |
1996 |
D. |
Technology |
College of Medical Technology, Tainan |
1988 |
Title of the M.
Sc. Thesis
陸源性與海源性懸浮沈積物對軟木軟柳珊瑚 (Subergorgia
suberosa) 活力與
(Effect of terrestrial and oceanic suspension sediments on
activity and recovery of Gorgonian, Subergorgia suberosa)
Title of the
Ph. D. Dissertation
橈足類在台灣西部海域之分佈及其攝食效應之研究 (Distribution
and feeding impact on
phytoplankton of copepod in waters of western Taiwan)
A. 期刊論文 (List of
refereed publications)
A-a. 第一作者 (First author)
Tseng, L.-C., H.-U. Dahms,
Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2008. Copepod
assemblages of the northern South China Sea. Crustaceana, 81(1):1-22.
Tseng, L.-C., R. Kumar, H.-U.
Dahms, C.-
Tseng, L.-C., R. Kumar, H.-U.
Dahms, Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2008.
Monsoon driven seasonal succession of copepod assemblages in the
coastal waters
of the northeastern Taiwan Strait. Zoological Studies, 47(1):46-60.
Tseng, L.-C., R. Kumar, H.-U.
Dahms, Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2008.
Copepod gut contents, ingestion rates and feeding impact in relation to
size structure in the southeastern Taiwan Strait. Zoological Studies,
Tseng, L.-C., S. Souissi,
H.-U. Dahms, Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2008.
Copepod communities related to water masses in the southwest East China
Sea. Helgoland
Marine Research, 62(2):153-165.
Tseng, L.-C., R. Kumar, H.-U.
Dahms, C.-
Tseng, L.-C., H.-U. Dahms,
Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2009. Copepod
feeding study in the upper layer of the tropical South China Sea.
Marine Research, 63(4):327–337.
Tseng, L.-C., H.-U. Dahms,
J.-J. Hung, Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2011. Can
different mesh sizes affect the results of copepod community studies?
of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 398:47-55.
Tseng, L.-C., R. Kumar, Q.-C.
Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2011.
distribution of Noctiluca scintillans and mesozooplankton in
the Western
and Southern East China Sea prior to the Three Gorges Dam operation.
Hydrobiologia, 666(1):239-256.
Tseng, L.-C., R. Kumar, Q.-C.
Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2011.
between two copepod congeners (Temora discaudata and T.
in the vicinity of two nuclear power plants in southern East China Sea:
spatiotemporal patterns of population trajectories over a decade.
Hydrobiologia, 666(1):301-315.
Tseng, L.-C., H.-U. Dahms,
N.-J. Hsu and J.-S. Hwang. 2011. Effects
sedimentation on the gorgonian Subergorgia suberosa (Pallas,
Marine Biology, 158(6):1301-1310.
L.-C., H.-U. Dahms,
Q.-C. Chen and J.-S.
Hwang. 2012.
Mesozooplankton and copepod community structures in
the southern
East China Sea: the status during the monsoonal transition period in
Helgoland Marine Research, 66(4):621-634.
L.-C., H.-U. Dahms,
Q.-C. Chen and J.-S.
Hwang. 2013.
Geospatial variability in the autumn community
structure of
epipelagic zooplankton in the upper layer of the northern South China
Zoological Studies, 52:2.
L.-C., J.-J. Hung,
Q.-C. Chen and J.-S.
Hwang. 2013.
Seasonality of the copepod assemblages associated
with interplay
waters off northeastern Taiwan. Helgoland Marine Research,
L.-C., H.-U. Dahms, R.
Kumar, Q.-C. Chen
and J.-S. Hwang. 2013.
Autumn community structure in the shallow mixed
layer of the subtropical South China Sea reveals a peculiar copepod and
zooplankton assemblage. Journal of Natural History, 47(5-12):667-683.
L.-C., C.-H. Wu, W.-H.
Twan, Z.-C. Tang
and J.-S. Hwang. 2014.
Hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from marine
in Taiwan. Zoological Studies, 53:29.
L.-C., J.-J.
Hung, J. C. Molinero, Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2015. Indicator
species and
seasonal succession of planktonic copepod assemblages driven by the
of subtropical and temperate waters in the southern East China Sea.
Crustaceana, 88(1):96-112.
L.-C., C.
Chou, Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2015. Jellyfish assemblages are
related to
interplay waters in the southern East China Sea. Continental Shelf
L.-C., S.-H.
Hsiao, S. K. Sarkar, B. D. Bhattacharya, Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang.
Influence of Kuroshio water on the annual copepod community structure
in an
estuary in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Continental Shelf Research,
L.-C., P.
Limviriyakul, P.-H. Ho and J.-S. Hwang. 2018. The presence of Macromedaeus distinguendus (De Haan,
1835) (Brachyura, Xanthidae) in the shallow hydrothermal vent system
Northeastern Taiwan. Crustaceana, 91(7):879-895.
Tseng, L.-C., S.-P. Huang, S. Das, I.-S. Chen, K.-T. Shao and J.-S. Hwang. 2019. A slender symbiotic goby hiding in burrows of mud shrimp Austinogebia edulis in western Taiwan. Plos ONE, 14(7):e0219815.
Tseng, L.-C., P.-Y. Yu and J.-S. Hwang. 2020. Distribution and sexual dimorphism of the crab Xenograpsus testudinatus from the hydrothermal vent field of Kueishan Island, northeastern Taiwan. Plos ONE, 15(3):e0230742.
Tseng, L.-C., Y.-G. Wang, G.-S. Lian and J.-S. Hwang. 2020. A multi-year investigation of the Temoridae (Copepoda, Calanoida) assemblage succession within the interplay waters of the northern South China Sea. Crustaceana, 93(3-5):519-540.
Tseng, L.-C., J.-C. Molinero, Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2022. Community structure of zooplankton during the southwest-northeast monsoon transition period in the Southeastern East China Sea. Crustaceana, 95(5-6):667-694.
Tseng, L.-C., P. Limviriyakul and J.-S. Hwang. 2022. Macrosymbionts of starfish Echinaster luzonicus (Gray, 1840) in the waters of a volcanic western Pacific island. PLoS ONE 17(11):e0278288.
A-b. 共同作者 (Coauthor)
Hwang, J.-S.,
Y.-Y. Tu, L.-C. Tseng, L.-S.
Fang, S. Souissi, T.-H. Fang, W.-
Seuront, L., J.-S.
Hwang, L.-C. Tseng, F. G.
Schmitt, S. Souissi and C.-K. Wong. 2004. Individual
variability in the swimming behavior of the sub-tropical copepod Oncaea
venusta (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida). Marine Ecology Progress
Hwang, J.-S., S.
Souissi, L.-C. Tseng, L.
Seuront, F. G. Schmitt, L.-S. Fang, S.-H. Peng, C.-H. Wu, S.-H. Hsiao,
Twan, T.-P. Wei, R. Kumar, T.-H. Fang, Q.-C. Chen and C.-K. Wong. 2006.
study of the influence of the northeast and southwest monsoons on
assemblages in the boundary coastal waters between the East China Sea
and the
Taiwan Strait. Journal of Plankton Research, 28(10):943-958.
Schmitt, F. G., L.
Seuront, J.-S. Hwang, S. Souissi
and L.-C. Tseng. 2006. Scaling
of swimming sequences in
copepod behavior: data analysis and simulation. Physica A: Statistical
Mechanics and its Applications, 364:287-296.
Dur, G., J.-S.
Hwang, S. Souissi, L.-C. Tseng, C.-H. Wu, S.-H.
Hsiao and Q.-C. Chen. 2007. An overview of the influence of
hydrodynamics on
the spatial and temporal patterns of calanoid copepod communities
Taiwan. Journal of Plankton Research, 29(Supplement 1):i97-i116.
Hwang, J.-S.,
H.-U. Dahms, L.-C. Tseng and Q.-C.
Chen. 2007. Intrusions
of the Kuroshio Current in the northern South
China Sea affect copepod assemblages of the Luzon Strait. Journal of
Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 352:12-27.
Hwang, J.-S., R.
Kumar, H.-U. Dahms, L.-C. Tseng
and Q.-C. Chen. 2007. Meshsize
affects abundance estimates of Oithona
spp. (Copepoda, Cyclopoida). Crustaceana, 80(7):827-837.
Kumar, R., P.
Muhid, H.-U. Dahms, L.-C. Tseng
and J.-S. Hwang. 2008.
The potential of three aquatic predators to control
mosquitoes in the presence of alternative prey: a comparative
assessment. Marine and Freshwater Research, 59(9):817–835.
Hwang, J.-S., S.
Souissi, H.-U. Dahms, L.-C. Tseng,
F. G. Schmitt and Q.-C. Chen. 2009. Rank-abundance
allocations as a tool to
analyze planktonic copepod assemblages off the Danshuei estuary
Zoological Studies, 48(1):49-62.
Hwang, J.-S., R.
Kumar, H.-U. Dahms, L.-C. Tseng
and Q.-C. Chen. 2010. Interannual,
seasonal, and diurnal variation
in vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of 6 Oithona
(Copepoda: Cyclopoida) in the South China Sea. Zoological Studies,
Chang, W.-B.,
H.-U. Dahms and L.-C. Tseng*. 2010. Abundance,
distribution and community structure of planktonic copepods in surface
of a semi-enclosed embayment of Taiwan during transitions of monsoons.
Zoological Studies, 49(6):735-748.
Chan, I., L.-C.
Tseng, S. Kâ, C.-F. Chang and J.-S. Hwang. 2012. An
experimental study of the gorgonian coral Subergorgia suberosa
to polluted sea water from a former coastal mining site in Taiwan.
Studies, 51(1):27-37.
Dahms, H.-U., L.-C.
Tseng, S.-H. Hsiao, Q.-C.
Chen, B.-R. Kim and J.-S. Hwang. 2012.
Biodiversity of planktonic
copepods in the Lanyang River (northeastern Taiwan), a typical
watershed of
Oceania. Zoological Studies, 51(2):160-174.
L., J. C. Molinero, L.-C.
Tseng, Q.-C. Chen, J.-W. Houng and J.-S. Hwang. 2012. Effects of
on gelatinous carnivore zooplankton off Northern Taiwan. Cahiers de
Biologie Marine, 53(3):349-355.
Chou, C., L.-C. Tseng,
Ou, Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2012. Seasonal succession of planktonic
copepods in bight environments of Northeastern Taiwan. Zoological
Dahms, H.-U., L.-C.
Tseng, S.-H. Hsiao, Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2013. A model
for an Oceania watershed: spatio-temporal changes of mesozooplankton in
riverine and estuarine parts of the Lanyang River in Taiwan. Ecological
Research, 28(2):345-357.
L., J. C. Molinero, L.-C.
Tseng, Q.-C. Chen and J.-S. Hwang. 2013. Seasonal variability of
gelatinous carnivore zooplankton community in Northern Taiwan. Journal
Plankton Research, 35(3):677-683.
Dhanker, R., R.
Kumar, L.-C. Tseng and J.-S. Hwang. 2013. Ciliate (Euplotes
sp.) predation by Pseudodiaptomus
annandalei (Copepoda:
Calanoida) and effects of mono- and pluri-algal diets. Zoological
Roy, S. P., R.
Roy, A. K. Prabhakar, A. Pandey, R. Kumar and L.-C. Tseng.
2013. Spatio-temporal
distribution and community structure of zooplankton in the Gangetic
Sanctuary, 2009. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 16(4):374-384.
Kumar, R., H.
Nesemann, G. Sharma, L.-C.
Tseng, A. K. Prabhakar and S. P. Roy. 2013. Community structure of
invertebrates in the River Ganga in Bihar, India. Aquatic Ecosystem
Health and
Management, 16(4):385-394.
Chan, I., L.-C. Tseng,
Dahms and J.-S. Hwang. 2013. Population and growth of queen conch (Lobatus gigas Linnaeus, 1758) in the
Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve of Belize. Zoological Studies, 52:46.
Kalimuthu, K.,
K. Murugan, L.-C.
Tseng and J.-S. Hwang. 2013. Mosquitocidal activity of Hedychium
coronarium rhizome extract and copepod Megacyclops
formosanus for the control
of dengue vector Aedes aegypti.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21(Suppl):258-266.
Dahms, H.-U., L.-C.
Tseng and
J.-S. Hwang. 2013. Life history of the copepod Paramphiascella
sp. affected by hydrothermal vent effluents.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21(Suppl):297-303.
Kalimuthu, K.,
C.-H. Wang, S.-M. Liu, L.-C. Tseng, K. Murugan and
Hwang. 2013. Mosquito
larvicidal activity of Broussonetia
papyrifera compound marmesin by blocking protein AeSCP-2, docking
strategies, and combined effect of copepod Megacyclops
formosanus against dengue vector Aedes
aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Marine Science and
Technology, 21(Suppl):308-315.
Hwang, J.-S.,
L. López-López, J. C. Molinero, L.-C. Tseng, Q.-C.
Chen and J.-J. Hung. 2014. Copepod assemblages
in the northern South China Sea during inter-monsoon transition
Journal of Sea Research, 86:43-48.
Dahms, H.-U., L.-C.
Tseng and J.-S. Hwang. 2014. Marine
invertebrate larval distribution
at the hydrothermal vent site of Gueishandao. Journal of Marine Science
Technology, 22(2):67-74.
Dahms, H.-U., L.-C.
Tseng, D. M.-C.
Shim and J.-S. Hwang. 2014. Hydrothermal vent effluents affect life
stages of
the copepod Tisbe sp.. Journal of
Marine Science and Technology, 22(2):82-88.
Chan, I., J.-J.
Hung, S.-H. Peng, L.-C.
Tseng, T.-Y. Ho and J.-S. Hwang. 2014. Comparison of metal
accumulation in
the azooxanthellate scleractinian coral (Tubastraea
coccinea) from different polluted environments. Marine Pollution
Bhattacharya, B.
D., J.-S. Hwang, L.-C. Tseng, S. K. Sarkar, D. Rakshit
and S. Mitra. 2014.
Bioaccumulation of trace elements in dominant
mesozooplankton group inhabiting in the coastal regions of Indian
mangrove wetland. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 87(1-2):345-351.
Kalimuthu, K.,
S.-M. Lin, L.-C.
Tseng, K. Murugan and J.-S. Hwang. 2014. Bio-efficacy potential of
seaweed Gracilaria firma with copepod, Megacyclops
formosanus for the control
larvae of dengue vector Aedes aegypti.
Hydrobiologia, 741(1):113–123.
B. D., J.-S. Hwang, S. K. Sarkar, D. Rakhsit, K. Murugan and
L.-C. Tseng. 2015. Community structure
of mesozooplankton in coastal waters of Sundarban mangrove wetland,
India: A multivariate
approach. Journal of Marine Systems, 141:112–121.
Dhanker, R., J.
C. Molinero, R. Kumar, L.-C. Tseng, A. Ianora and
J.-S. Hwang. 2015. Responses of the
estuarine copepod Pseudodiaptomus
annandalei to diatom polyunsaturated aldehydes: Reproduction,
survival and
postembryonic development. Harmful Algae, 43:74-81.
Dahms, H.-U., L.-C.
Tseng and J.-S. Hwang.
Biogeographic distribution of the
cyclopoid copepod genus Oithona -
from mesoscales to global scales. Journal of Experimental Marine
Biology and
Ecology, 467:26-32.
P., L.-C. Tseng,
J.-S. Hwang and T.-W. Shih. 2016. Anomuran and brachyuran symbiotic
crabs in
coastal areas between the southern Ryukyu arc and the Coral Triangle.
Zoological Studies, 55:7.
Molinero, J.
C., L.-C. Tseng, L.
López-López, U. Sommer, S. Souissi and J.-S. Hwang. 2016. Climate
driven winter
variations of Calanus sinicus
abundance in the East China Sea. Fisheries Oceanography, 25(6):555-564.
P., L.-C. Tseng,
T.-W. Shih and J.-S. Hwang. 2016. Host selection and preferences of
symbiotic crab Tetralia rubridactyla.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 485:24-34.
K., C. Panneerselvam, C. Chou, S.-M. Lin, L.-C.
Tseng, K.-H. Tsai, K. Murugan and J.-S. Hwang. 2017.
Predatory efficiency of the copepod Megacyclops
formosanus and toxic effect of the red alga Gracilaria
firma synthesis of silver nanoparticles against the
dengue vector Aedes aegypti.
Hydrobiologia, 785:359–372.
Kalimuthu, K.,
C. Panneerselvam, C. Chou, L.-C. Tseng, K. Murugan,
K.-H. Tsai, A. A. Alarfaj, A. Higuchi, A.
Canale, J.-S. Hwang and G. Benelli. 2017. Control of dengue and Zika
vector Aedes aegypti using the
predatory copepod Megacyclops formosanus:
Synergy with Hedychium coronarium-synthesized
silver nanoparticles and related histological changes in targeted
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 109:82-96.
Murugan, K., J.
Anitha, U. Suresh, R. Rajaganesh, C. Panneerselvam, A. T. Aziz,
L.-C. Tseng, K. Kalimuthu, M. S.
Alsalhi, S. Devanesan, M. Nicoletti, S. K. Sarkar, G. Benelli and J.-S.
2017. Chitosan–fabricated Ag nanoparticles and larvivorous fishes: a
route to control the coastal malaria vector Anopheles
sundaicus?. Hydrobiologia, 797:335-350.
Dahms, H.-U., L.-C.
Tseng and
J.-S. Hwang. 2017. Are vent crab behavioral preferences adaptations for
choice?. Plos ONE, 12(9):e0182649.
Das, S., L.-C. Tseng,
L. Wang
and J.-S. Hwang. 2017. Burrow characteristics of the mud shrimp Austinogebia edulis, an ecological
engineer causing sediment modification of a tidal flat. Plos ONE,
Lin, S.-M., L.-C. Tseng,
P. O.
Ang Jr., J. Bolton and L.-C. Liu. 2018. Long term study on seasonal
changes in
floristic composition and structure of marine macroalgal communities
along the
coast of Northern Taiwan, southern East China Sea. Marine Biology,
Molinero, J.
C., L.-C. Tseng,
C. López-Abbate, E. Ramirez-Romero and J.-S. Hwang. 2018. Interannual
in zooplankton echo subtropical and high latitude climate effects in
southern East China Sea. Plos ONE, 13(5):e0197382.
Lee, P.-W., L.-C. Tseng
J.-S. Hwang. 2018. Comparison of mesozooplankton mortality impacted by
cooling systems of two nuclear power plants at the northern Taiwan
southern East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 136:144-124.
Das, S., L.-C. Tseng,
C. Chou, L. Wang, S. Souissi
and J.-S. Hwang. 2019. Effects of
cadmium exposure on antioxidant enzymes and histological changes in the
mud-shrimp Austinogebia edulis
(Crustacea: Decapoda). Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
Wang, Y.-G., L.-C. Tseng, M. Lin and J.-S. Hwang. 2019. Vertical and geographic distribution of copepod communities at late summer in the Amerasian Basin, Arctic Ocean. Plos ONE, 14(7):e0219319.
Lebrato, M., Y. V. Wang, L.-C. Tseng, E.P. Achterberg, X.-G. Chen, J.-C. Molinero, K. Bremer, U. Westernströer, E. Söding, H.-U. Dahms, M. Küter, V. Heinath, J. Jöhnck, K.I. Konstantinou, Y.-J. Yang, J.-S. Hwang and D. Garbe-Schönberg. 2019. Earthquake and typhoon trigger unprecedented transient shifts in shallow hydrothermal vents biogeochemistry. Scientific Reports, 9:16926.
Zhu, F., W.-H.
Twan, L.-C. Tseng,
S.-H. Peng and J.-S. Hwang. 2019. First detection of white spot
syndrome virus
(WSSV) in the mud shrimp Austinogebia
edulis in Taiwan. Scientific Reports, 9:18572.
Limviriyakul, P., L.-C. Tseng, Y.-H. Tsai, J.-S. Hwang and T.-W. Shih. 2020. Baseline diversity and host relationships of symbiotic caridean shrimps on the coast of northern Taiwan, southern East China Sea, prior to the establishment of a conservation area. Marine Biodiversity, 50:35.
Kalimuthu, K., L.-C. Tseng, K. Murugan, C. Panneerselvam, A.T. Aziz, G. Benelli and J.-S. Hwang. 2020. Ultrasonic technology applied against aquatic mosquito larvae. Applied Sciences, 10(10):3546.
Wang, Y.-G., L.-C. Tseng, R.-X. Sun, Z.-Y. Liu, M. Lin and J.-S. Hwang. 2020. Effects of the China Coastal Current on the community structure of the planktonic copepods in early spring, with notes on Eurytemora pacifica Sato, 1913 in the western Taiwan Strait. Crustaceana, 93(3-5):487-506.
Cai, L., S. Fu, X. Zhou, L.-C. Tseng and J.-S. Hwang. 2020. Benthic meiofauna with emphasis on nematode assemblage response to environmental variation in the intertidal zone of the Danshuei River estuary, northwest Taiwan. Ecological Research, 35(5):857-870.
Lebrato, M., D. Garbe-Schönberg, M. N. Müller, S. Blanco-Ameijeiras, R. A. Feely, L. Lorenzoni, J.-C. Molinero, K. Bremer, D. O. B. Jones, D. Iglesias-Rodriguez, D. Greeley, M. D. Lamare, A. Paulmier, M. Graco, J. Cartes, J. B. Ramos, A. de Lara, R. Sanchez-Leal, P. Jimenez, F. E. Paparazzo, S. E. Hartman, U. Westernströer, M. Küter, R. Benavides, A. F. da Silva, S. Bell, C. Payne, S. Olafsdottir, K. Robinson, L. M. Jantunen, A. Korablev, R. J. Webster, E. M. Jones, O. Gilg, B. du Bois Pascal, J. Beldowski, C. Ashjian, N. D. Yahia, B. Twining, X.-G. Chen, L.-C. Tseng, J.-S. Hwang, H.-U. Dahms and A. Oschlies. 2020. Global variability in seawater Mg:Ca and Sr:Ca ratios in the modern ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(36):22281-22292.
Lee, P.-W., S.-H. Hsiao, C. Chou, L.-C. Tseng and J.-S. Hwang. 2021. Zooplankton fluctuations in the surface waters of the estuary of a large subtropical urban river. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9:598274.
Wang, Y.-G., L.-C. Tseng, B.-P. Xing, R.-X. Sun, X.-Y. Chen, C.-G. Wang and J.-S. Hwang. 2021. Seasonal population structure of the copepod Temora turbinata (Dana, 1849) in the Kuroshio Current edge, southeastern East China Sea. Applied Sciences, 11(16):7545.
Wang, Y.-G., L.-C. Tseng, R.-X. Sun, X.-Y. Chen, P. Xiang, C.-G. Wang, B.-P. Xing and J.-S. Hwang. 2022. Copepods as indicators of different water masses during the northeast monsoon prevailing period in the Northeast Taiwan. Biology, 11(9):1357.
Lee, S.-H., L.-C. Tseng, Y.-H. Yoon, E. Ramirez-Romero, J.-S. Hwang and J. C. Molinero. 2023. The global spread of jellyfish hazards mirrors the pace of human imprint in the marine environment. Environment International, 171:107699.
Wang, Y.-G., L.-C. Tseng, X.-Y. Chen, R.-X. Sun, P. Xiang, B.-P. Xing, C.-G. Wang and J.-S. Hwang. 2023. Cold dome affects mesozooplankton communities during the Southwest monsoon period in the Southeast East China Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(3):508.
Wang, Y. V., T. Larsen, Thomas, M. Lebrato, L.-C. Tseng, N. Smith-Sánchez, P.-W. Lee, J.-C. Molinero, J.-S. Hwang, T.-Y. Chan and D. Garbe-Schönberg. 2023. Foraging under extreme events: Contrasting adaptations by benthic macrofauna to drastic biogeochemical disturbance. Functional Ecology, 37(5):1390-1406.
Tan, Y.-Z., L.-C. Liu, L.-C. Tseng and S.-M. Lin. 2023. Reproductive phenology of a dominant crustose coralline alga, Sporolithon sp., from Taoyuan algal reefs in Northwest Taiwan. Phycologia, 62(6):574-584.
Senan, A. S., C.-H. Hsu, S.-W. Lee, L.-Y. Chang, L.-C. Tseng, A. A. Klompmaker and J.-P. Lin. 2023. Predator-prey interactions based on drill holes: A case study of turritelline gastropods from the Pleistocene Szekou Formation of Taiwan. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh, 114:167-175.
Girija, G. K., L.-C. Tseng, Y.-L. Chen, P.-J. Meng, J.-S. Hwang and Y.-N. Ho. 2023. Microbiome variability in invasive coral (Tubastraea aurea) in response to diverse environmental stressors. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1234137.
黃將修,段文宏,曾立鈞。1998。臺灣珊瑚礁何去何從。綠生活雜誌,pp. 56-62。
曾立鈞,Chan, Isani,彭紹宏,黃將修。2010。海洋環境污染對軟木軟柳珊瑚之衝擊 (The impacts
of marine pollutants on the coral, Subergorgia
suberosa Pallas 1776)。海洋及水下科技,第20卷
(Does the warm water
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Last update: 8/Dec/2023